made available through them, except in cases where the minor has previously obtained the consent of a parent or legal guardian. By accessing and using even just one of the Services that require registration or the provision of data and information provided through the Sites, the User guarantees that he or she is over the age of 18 and has the legal capacity to exercise the rights and assume the obligations it holds. 5. Trademarks, domain names and intellectual property 5.1 Calibe S.r.l. is the exclusive owner of its logos and registered trademarks, present and future, and of any other distinctive sign that includes the related words, including the related registered domain names. Calibe S.r.l. reserves the right to make exclusive use of its logos, trademarks and distinctive signs. 5.2 The User acknowledges that the Contents present on the Sites are protected by current regulations regarding copyright, protection of trademarks and patents and/or by other legal provisions. Such Contents cannot be copied, modified, reproduced or used in any other way, except for explicit and express authorization issued in writing to the User by Calibe S.r.l., also as a result of further contractual and contractual agreements in place between the parties. 6. Cookies and links 6.1 The Calibe S.r.l. Sites they also use cookies released by third parties. For information on the policy of use of cookies by the Calibe S.r.l. sites, you can consult our Privacy Policy
6.2 The Sites may contain links to other websites unrelated to Calibe S.r.l.. These websites are in no way managed or controlled by Calibe S.r.l., which cannot in any way be held responsible for the contents and rules present on them. These General Conditions are applicable exclusively to the Calibe S.r.l. Sites. and not to other websites that may be consulted by the User via links. 7. Uploads and Contents sent by the User 7.1 Some Services provided by the Sites (e.g. events, competitions and thematic initiatives of an extraordinary and temporary nature) allow the User to send and upload Contents, which due to the nature of the Services themselves, are intended for communication and dissemination. By using these Services, the User declares to know and accept these General Conditions, guaranteeing that use is carried out at his discretion and under his own total and exclusive responsibility, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence attributable to Calibe S.r.l.. 7.2 Calibe S.r.l. implements a policy of verification and selection of the contents and images sent by removing, at its free and sole discretion, from its systems, all images whose content violates the rules indicated on this page. 7.3 The User is required to comply with the ban on sending images and contents that are illegal and/or abusive, harmful to the rights of others or which violate, or may violate, the right to privacy, intellectual or industrial property rights or other rights of third parties, pornographic and/or sexually explicit, libelous or defamatory, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable or offensive, in compliance with current legislation and the rules of conduct reported on this page. Calibe S.r.l. collaborates with the Public Authority in all cases in which it is asked to provide the data and/or information necessary to trace the perpetrators of any crimes. 7.4 The publication of opinions sent by the User does not represent the expression of opinions or advice on the part of Calibe S.r.l.; in particular Calibe S.r.l. does not recognize the contents of these opinions as its own. 7.5 The User acknowledges and accepts that any sending of Contents made in the use of the Sites and Services may be removed, modified, disseminated, communicated and used by Calibe S.r.l.. The User acknowledges that the rights of use relating to the Contents sent are sold to Calibe S.r.l. free of charge, and renounces any material and moral rights that he may have as an author with respect to the Contents sent, granting Calibe S.r.l. unlimited right of non-exclusive use, without limitations of means and geographical areas. Calibe S.r.l. may therefore, directly or through third parties, use, copy, transmit, extract, publish, distribute, publicly perform, disseminate, create derivative works, host, index, store, annotate, encode, modify and adapt (including without limitation the right to adapt for transmission by any means of communication) in any form or with any tool, current or future, any Content, including audio and video, that may be sent by the User, including through third parties. 7.6 The User who sends images and portraits gives Calibe S.r.l. the release to use the images themselves for the purposes and under the conditionstions reported in the following General Conditions. In particular, it recognizes Calibe S.r.l. the right to use all or part of the images sent, which may be used, by virtue of this recognized right, as a whole or in individual parts and components, also through editing, cutting and adaptations, without any limitation, made except for the use of the same images in contexts that may cause damage to the dignity, reputation and personal decorum of the interested party and his/her close relatives. The User acknowledges that Calibe S.r.l. the right to the reproduction, publication, diffusion, communication, execution and representation in public, in any place and by any means (e.g. internet, projection during public events, publication in catalogs and magazines, etc.) of the aforementioned images, recognizing Calibe S.r.l. sole and exclusive owner of the images and footage, as well as all rights of use and exploitation in any form and by any present and future means. The User renounces, starting from the moment of sending, any right in relation to the foregoing, regardless of whether the images include representations regarding his/her person or not. 7.7 The User acknowledges and accepts that the material sent will not be returned and will remain the property of Calibe S.r.l., which therefore remains exempt from any liability towards the User for the loss or destruction of the material sent. 7.8 The Services provided by the Sites that allow the User to send and upload Content are intended for personal uses unrelated to any commercial, entrepreneurial and professional activity attributable to the User or third parties, without prejudice to any specific exceptions expressly indicated. 7.9 The user declares that the Contents sent are authentic, not covered by copyright, fully available to the person who sent them and not encumbered by other people's rights of use, indemnifying Calibe S.r.l. from any responsibility in the event of disputes or actions, undertaken by anyone, regarding said rights. 7.10 The user guarantees to Calibe S.r.l., in the event that the Contents sent contain data relating to third parties, that he has acquired the necessary releases and authorizations from them, and undertakes to keep Calibe S.r.l. held harmless from any claim made by them, including any legal action taken. 7.11 In using the Services provided by the Sites that allow you to send and upload Contents, the User declares to have read and understood the General Conditions and to accept them in their entirety. To this end, the User undertakes to observe the following rules: – use respectful language, in particular free of violent, offensive, obscene terms and expressions; – not publish Contents that are intentionally false, offensive, illicit, defamatory, slanderous or obscene, or that are in any case contrary to the law or intentionally prejudicial towards third parties; – do not publish Content aimed at spreading political, spiritual or religious ideologies; – do not violate the privacy of third parties (for example by revealing names and surnames, mobile numbers or addresses and, in particular, avoid providing personal information regarding children under the age of 18). To upload photos and/or videos of people, the User who inserts Content concerning minors under the age of 18 must have obtained the explicit consent of their parents or guardian; – always verify the validity of the data inserted in the Contents, always cite the source of texts and/or articles written by someone else, respect the laws in force in Italy regarding patents or other industrial and/or intellectual property rights, trademarks registered, performed or named by third parties; – do not publish Content that involves the violation of copyright without citing the author and the original source; – not use the Contents for your own or third party commercial, advertising or promotional purposes; – do not publish hidden or explicit advertising messages.
Privacy and protection of personal data 8.1 For information on how Calibe S.r.l. processes the personal data of Users, you can consult our Privacy Policy
Applicable law and competent court 9.1 These General Conditions are governed by Italian law and will be interpreted according to it, without prejudice to any different prevailing mandatory law of the country of habitual residence of the User. Consequently, any disputes inherent and/or consequent thereto must be resolved exclusively by the Italian jurisdictional authority. The competent court for the application of these General Conditions is the Court of Bologna.